Friday, June 10, 2011

It's been a year...

On June 9th 2010 at my early morning ultrasound I saw my baby boys hearts were no longer beating. It wasn't until June 10th that I gave birth to our two little angels. It feels like it was just yesterday, but an entire year has come and gone. Although the heartache is not as raw as it once was, the hurt is definitely still there. But, I focus on all the positives and ask God for strength, healing, & laughter.

Here are a few of the things I've realized - I know that if we had the boys we probably would NOT have a Dawson on the way. I wouldn't have the ability to understand and help other mothers who have lost little angels like I have. As simple as that may seem, it has truly helped me to heal a little more by sharing what the Lord has taught me through our loss. I look forward to the day that the Lord calls me home so I can finally rock my 2 little blonde baby boys in heaven. Until then, I will treasure every day with my family to the fullest.

Although we've lost, we are SOOOO very fortunate!! God has given us an amazing little girl, our Shae Bird, and allowed us to get pregnant again with a little boy, Dawson.

So, this week may be a bit rough for us, but we are grateful... Grateful for the time we were pregnant with Shyloh & Tyce, grateful for every hug we get from Shae & grateful for every kick we feel from Dawson.

Gratefully Optimistic,

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